As hospitality school graduates begin to enter the job market this summer, professor Richard Ghiselli is concerned that very few will be applying for management jobs at quick-service restaurants. Last summer,Ghiselli, a longtime hospitality professor at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., became head of the Hotel and Restaurant Administration Department of the College of Human Environmental Sciences at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. Most companies that recruit hospitality students are hotels and larger restaurant chains, he said.
Most quick-service restaurants promote from within, so why should they try to recruit college grads?
The big advantage is the education. They are getting somebody who comes in with a skill set who understands management in foodservice, who understands food costs, labor costs. They already have that mind-set that has prepared them for operating a restaurant.
Why don’t you see more recruiting from QSRs?
I suspect they get frustrated with the lack of [students]. If they attend a job fair, they may not receive the best response. But at the same time, they are not getting their message out about what they have to offer, career-wise. QSR managers often have the best hours as compared to full-service restaurants. You can also move through the ranks pretty quickly.
What can QSRs do to better recruit college talent?
Have an action plan. Market the career potential of management positions and develop superior internships. Place interns in units that are well-staffed and organized and produce strong economic results. Provide regular feedback.