LAS VEGAS Wolfgang Puck Fine Dining Group, based here, and airport restaurant and market operator OTG Management Inc. of Philadelphia both have subscribed to the Exception-Based Restaurant Management, or EBRM, service from Mirus.
"Mirus's new Web-delivered data management will assist us in running more efficient operations as our company rapidly expands," Wolfgang Puck Fine Dining managing partner Joe Essa said of the multiunit data aggregation, analysis and reporting service by Houston-based Mirus. WPFDG operates high-end restaurants from chef-operator Wolfgang Puck, including the landmark Spago in Beverly Hills, among multiple Spago locations; Postrio in San Francisco and Las Vegas; and Wolfgang Puck American Grille in Atlantic City, N.J.
OTG operates 70-plus foodservice outlets in several airports, including JFK and LaGuardia in New York, Logan Airport in Boston and Tucson International in Tucson, Ariz. President Rick Blatstein said his company's rapid growth meant its move to the Mirus service "couldn't have happened soon enough," as the high-traffic settings in which OTG operates makes critically important any management tool that helps improve "efficiency, accuracy and speed to our operations."
Among other things, the EBRM service is helping Wolfgang Puck Fine Dining Group eliminate the labor costs and time associated with transferring unit-level data into the restaurant company's accounting package, accelerating reporting and analysis, Mirus sources said. They said the EBRM tool's ability to work with OTG's multiple brands of point-of-sale systems has helped the operator more efficiently collect unit-level data for a new enterprise accounting package.