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Implement Sanitation and Facility Maintenance Measures to Protect Your Patrons' Health and Your Restaurant's Reputation
May 29, 2015
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Pests have the ability to spread disease and just the sight of one flying around your dining room or crawling across your patio floor might make a diner think twice about returning to your establishment. There are also the potential implications on your health inspections. All of this could also lead to a negative review or rating on one of the many online forums.
It is imperative to make sure you’re taking every precaution necessary to prevent pests from making a reservation at your restaurant. Download your Restaurant Sanitation Guide to learn how to keep pests from getting inside in the first place, and if they are already there, how to identify the culprit and the likely causes of the problem.
KEY TOPICS:• Proactive Prevention• Facility Maintenance Measures• Sanitation Standards• Identifying the Culprit• Staff Participation• Pest Management PartnerAs a restaurant owner or manager, you work hard to ensure that your establishment is inviting to patrons. Customers visit your restaurant to enjoy the food and beverages offered, as well as the atmosphere. However, pests also find these elements attractive and may seek out your restaurant for sources of food, water and shelter.
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