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The annual NRN Power List is the definitive list of industry leaders who are not only setting trends today, but also shaping them for tomorrow.
The Power Lister shares her insights
June 25, 2024
On this bonus episode of Extra Serving, a podcast from Nation’s Restaurant News, we’re sharing a conversation between senior editor Bret Thorn and CKE Restaurants chief marketing officer Jennifer Tate.
You may recall that back in April, we here at NRN published our annual Power List, highlighting 25 restaurant marketers who are creatively reaching guests leveraging the creator economy, and 25 social-media influencers creating innovative food content.
Tate was one of the marketers on that list. She and Thorn talked back in the spring, touching on the company’s free-burger Super Bowl campaign, brand separation between longtime twins Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, and, of course, influencer marketing.
Enjoy their conversation, and don’t forget to check out last week’s conversation between senior editor Ron Ruggless and Wendy’s global director of social media and digital engagement Kristin Tormey. We’ll be back on Friday with a regular episode of Extra Serving.
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