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What's helping Wendy's despite the Reef slowdown

Get analysis and information on the chain’s second-quarter earnings from NRN senior editor Ron Ruggless


Welcome to First Bite, a Nation’s Restaurant News podcast, your daily source of news from NRN hosted by Holly Petre.

Today, we’re analyzing Wendy’s latest quarter earnings.

Wendy’s reported its second-quarter earnings on Wednesday morning and the big news to come out of it was the chain’s downsizing of its partnership with Reef Technology, the embattled third-party ghost kitchen provider.

Mainly, the chain found that Reef’s new strategy, which changed in light of some labor practices, wasn’t working for the quick-service brand.

Despite that news, same-store sales were still up 3.7% at Wendy’s, with an increase of 2.3% domestically and 15.2% internationally.

NRN senior editor Ron Ruggless has more on the story.

Plus, catch up on all the top news of the day with our daily news recap at the beginning of each episode.

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