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Caviar on restaurant menus capitalizes on luxury and nostalgiaCaviar on restaurant menus capitalizes on luxury and nostalgia

Holly Petre, Assistant Digital Editor

July 11, 2023


During times of economic uncertainty, luxury items tend to increase in popularity. Maybe it’s due to high-income people delaying buying big-ticket items but treating themselves to smaller pleasures, or generally stressed-out consumers splurging from time to time. Combine that reality with social media’s interest in visually appealing dishes, plus an intriguing shift by younger consumers toward classic items, and the time is ripe for caviar.

The sturgeon roe has long been the poster child of premium products, but as more farm-raised versions come onstream, caviar prices aren’t necessarily as high as they once were, especially in comparison to the general inflation of most food.

Caviar sales in 2022 exceeded $100 million, according to market research firm Fact.MR, and another research firm, Market Data Forecast, predicts compound annual growth in caviar consumption in North America of 8.9% through 2025.

About the Author

Holly Petre

Assistant Digital Editor

Holly Petre is a digital editor for Nation’s Restaurant News as well as the host of NRN’s podcast, Extra Serving, and producer for Informa Restaurant and Food Group’s other three podcasts, One On One by Food Management, Off the Shelf with SN and In the Kitchen with Bret Thorn. Holly holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in Sculpture, fibers and Material Studies and Ceramics from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. A native New Yorker, Holly enjoys her place on staff as the resident pop-culture expert and millennial with a sassy attitude and great sense of style.

Holly Petre’s work on Nation’s Restaurant News and Restaurant Hospitality often covers marketing and trends, either aimed-at or examined-through the millennial mindset. Holly is responsible for introducing TikTok and Twitch to NRN and RH readers as well as explaining terms like “Karen” to staff and readers alike. She also spends her time on staff trying not to make every headline a pun.

Holly Petre hasn’t spoken at any events or on panels, but she is readily available with a killer shoe wardrobe and several witty quips.


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