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Tech Tracker: How digital tech is capitalizing on the hot restaurant reservations market
Tock and Google now offer experience reservations; Diibs launches as a platform for bidding on last-minute reservations
NRN video picks you need to watch this week
May 24, 2016
Clay Dover, chief marketing officer of Pei Wei Asian Diner discusses time savings sought with the introduction of a smartphone app in mid-summer 2016. Laura Abshire, the NRA's director of sustainability policy and government affairs, ranks the top three sustainability trends for restaurant operators. Angry Birds have crashed into McDonald's, and they're ready for some fun. An Israeli start-up creates a way to gauge a fruit's exact calorie count and sugar and fat content. Get an inside look at the annual event honoring the best in culinary innovation, by Nation's Restaurant News and Ventura Foods.
Pei Wei looks to speed orders with app
Top 3 sustainability trends from the NRA Show
McDonald's: Angry Birds 360 takeover
Bloomberg: This little device tells you what's really in the food you eat
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