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Unified Brands Unveils New Ventilation System

JACKSON MISS. —Unified Brands, based here, has introduced a new ventilation system designed to use significantly less exhausted air-volume rates than other ventilation systems. Use of the Avtec EcoArch Energy Efficient Ventilation System could translate into an annual electric and gas savings rate of up to 40 percent of conditioned kitchen make-up air, according to the company.

The latest addition in Unified’s Avtec line of ventilation systems, EcoArch differs from other kitchen exhaust hoods because of its aerodynamic arch design. In combination with the EcoArch exclusive arch design, the hood features a high-velocity exhaust slot, which captures contaminated air at very low exhaust requirements, and a front-mounted exhaust plenum, which provides easier access to filters for cleaning and replacement purposes. —Unified Brands, based here, has introduced a new ventilation system designed to use significantly less exhausted air-volume rates than other ventilation systems. Use of the Avtec EcoArch Energy Efficient Ventilation System could translate into an annual electric and gas savings rate of up to 40 percent of conditioned kitchen make-up air, according to the company.

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