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Convenience trend forces restaurants to disrupt before being disrupted

Meal kits, delivery, grocery and c-stores threaten restaurants as traffic and growth rate decline.

This is part of Nation’s Restaurant News' special coverage of the 2017 MUFSO conference, taking place Oct. 1-3 at the Hyatt Regency at Reunion Tower in Dallas. Follow coverage of the event on and tweet with us using #MUFSO. Stay connected on the go by downloading the MUFSO app.

Correction: October 09, 2017
An earlier version of this article miscalculated the projected annual sales of delivered food as $799 billion. That figure represents all restaurant sales, including delivered food. Also, the compound annual growth rate of restaurant sales was listed as 3.7 percent for the past three years, when in fact it’s the current rate. 6.4 percent has been the compound annual growth rate for the past 47 years.

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